Healing Birth Trauma

Written August 21, 2021

Craniosacral (with the right practitioner) helps heal trauma. Even and especially the trauma of birth.

My heart is full from this craniosacral session of transformation with Freyja, age 4, and her mother. Working with Freyja was like holding a brick of ice. Her whole body was in a freeze state, but internally I could feel that there was a great amount of movement wanting to be released. After a long time of applying a gentle, present touch with my hands to her frontal bones, occiput, and sacrum; and maintaining a steady, loving yet neutral eye contact with her, Freya learned that she could trust me, and that I was not asking anything of her. I was simply there with her, listening with my whole being.

After what felt like hours of silence, a quiet internal movement started to unwind Freyja, moving her into a full spiral rebirth — and we assisted Freya as she slid upside down and off the table as if coming through the birth canal again. Simultaneously, the mother’s body was unwinding as well — as, for the first time, she was remembering and releasing the trauma from the birth of Freyja and Freyja’s twin brother. She almost lost them both then. I learned after the session that Freyja’s brother was in critical condition, but Freya was not ready to come out, (and most likely was in a similar freeze state that she showed me on the table). Immediately after Freyja’s rebirth with me, she opened up into the brightest ball of joy imaginable. She wouldn’t stop talking to me! We played and played, and as you can see, we had so much fun.

Craniosacral helps heal trauma. Even and especially the trauma of birth. Luckily, we are never too old to heal, and we are never too old for a rebirth.

Click on image above for more photos.


Honoring Roots & Lineage