The practice of Craniosacral Biodynamics is a call to return to our embodied vitality and inherent wholeness. As we re-attune our awareness to the natural motions and rhythms of the fluid body, we become held within an amplified field of listening where we are able to “Rest in the Health that is never Lost.”
Reprogramming our nervous systems towards safety, we evolve into a higher embodied potential, calibrating to a fuller capacity. This work allows for a deep coherence and resilience in the nervous system, in the organs and tissues, on a cellular level and in the energetic and emotional spheres. As Rollin Becker, DO, says, “[craniosacral biodynamics] encompasses everything from the physical structure of the body to the universal forces that govern all nature.”
With hands guided by highly-skilled sensitivity, gentle contacts are made on the body, following the flow and the fulcrums of the subtle breathing movements. The body unwinds in layers and builds resiliency over time.
Consistency over a period of months allows the nervous system to remain calibrated in a state of ease and balance, promoting health and vitality across all systems. For more information on the origins of craniosacral and Koa’s work, read Honoring Roots & Lineage.
We begin each session with a guided meditation and an invitation to rest in the Heart of Stillness. We are informed and guided by Primary Respiration and the Breath of Life, the life-force that breathes all of Nature. By listening to and aligning with the craniosacral system, the fluid body and their tides, we gain greater access to the innate essence, potency, and health within.
Through loving awareness, a safe place to rest and heal, and an attuned listening practitioner and guide, we become more coherent and resilient in body, spirit, and mind.
Koa’s approach uses gentle hands-on contact, in which she connects directly with the fully-clothed recipient’s nervous system, tissues, organs, cells, craniosacral fluid rhythms and bioenergy fields, to bring about a therapeutic response.
With hands of highly skilled sensitivity, Koa allows the inertia to identify itself — whatever is hindering the natural flow and functions of the body-mind-spirit — and gently guides the recipient back to a more optimal state of health.
When the nervous system is recalibrated, areas that have been fixed or stagnated will gently begin to release, unwind, and return to healthy motion. Pain, tension and emotional blockages transmute and dissipate as optimal health returns.
Craniosacral Biodynamics
Biodynamic Osteopathy
Biodynamic Cranial Approach
Visceral Manipulation
Somato-Emotional Release
Somatic Therapy
Stillness Touch
Trauma-Informed Touch
Fascial Unwinding
Scar Unwinding Healing
Bioenergetic Balancing
Quantum Mastery Healing
Soul Retrieval
Koa uses a multidisciplinary approach to attune deeply to each client and to whatever arises in each moment for optimal health and healing to occur.
Stress & Overwhelm
Psychedelic Integration & Preparation
Immune System, Lung Oxygenation & Motility
Migraines, Vertigo, Headaches, Concussions
TMJ, Sinuses, Inner Mouth & Ear Work
Pre-Natal & Post-Partum Restoration
Womb Clearing & Communication
Birth Trauma
Sleep Issues & Insomnia
Digestive Issues & Organ Rebalancing
PTSD, OCD, Depression, Anxiety
Grief, Shock, Trauma
Being a Sensitive Human on Planet Earth
For new clients, 3-8 sessions are recommended, as each session builds upon one another; while the body retrains and remembers to down-regulate, incorporate, and further its own healing.
These restorative healing sessions allow for deep rest, building trust and resource in the body — first and foremost in the nervous system. Presence and Stillness become portals through which coherence reorganizes.
By holding the body with gentle contact, we are able to sense the movement of the cerebral spinal fluid and the rhythmic tides that permeate throughout the fluid matrix of the entire body.
We unwind and reestablish equilibrium: transmuting pain, tension, stuck energies, and dissipating emotional blockages. Shifts and healings occur in the body as well as in various states and stages of consciousness. Dream-like states and visionary experiences are common.
Remote Healing Sessions are just as potent and powerful as in-person sessions, if not more-so. Often, the ego is able to surrender to the subtlety of the moment more easily and receive healing. Both client and practitioner connect through the field and shifts can be instantaneous.
Remote sessions begin with Zoom Video to establish connection and drop-in for an opening meditation. For the distance healing portion, video is turned off so that the client can lay down comfortably, while voice connection is maintained. At the end of the session, Zoom Video is utilized once again to integrate and complete.
Koa’s training in Quantum Mastery Healing assists her abilities to attune to her clients and allow for a true healing process to occur. Inquire further at support@koakalish.com or schedule here.
“Each session with Koa is a sacred ceremony within itself, contained and carried with such care, wisdom and depth. I prefer to work with Koa because of her deeply feminine yin quality of work, rooted in a rare quality of devotion and service to the Planet through my microcosm.”
— T.K., Remote Client
“That was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced. I feel that I have found myself again, after being lost for 10 years.”
— B.F. Remote Client
We move beyond the paradigm of “doctor fixes patient”; and instead we work together to listen to the innate wisdom of the body and allow for the natural arc of a healing process to unfold.
The container of multiple sessions within a designated time period provides deeper and longer lasting results for the nervous system. It is recommended to schedule three sessions within one-three months.
Packages are built to encourage and allow for the natural unfolding, retraining, remembrance and re-emergence of embodied wholeness and health.
One session is better than none, and yet, nervous system repatterning happens best with consistency. Each session builds upon one other, often exponentially, especially when a commitment is made to ones own healing.
For Rates, Packages and Policies, see here.
“Incredibly grateful for our time together. My being + body is generating at a different speed… feels very much in alignment, in the flow, and at ease.” — D.M.
“My sessions with Koa were delicate yet deep - providing healing that supported my body in healing from multiple pregnancy losses and supported in successful conception. Her presence feels like a safe harbor in the sea of life’s happenings - I always look forward to my sessions with her.” — B.P.
“I truly feel like Koa helped me awaken deep parts of me that have been asleep for who knows how long.” — F.A.
It is an honor and a gift to walk this path and to share it with so many incredible beings, and to witness your healing through the years.
First healing office, 2016