Healing Arts ⊹ Devotional Arts
Body Work · Energy Work · Soul Work
Healing sessions are invitations to listen to the innate intelligence of the body. They are opportunities for the system to find balance, resource, and vitality through the natural forces of healing. Inertia (stuck energy) is gently released and life-force is restored as we encounter the Health that is never Lost.
Resource your Nervous System.
Transmute Pain and Trauma into Health.
Develop a greater sense of Presence,
Resilience, and Capacity for Life.
What Clients Say:
“Each session with Koa is a sacred ceremony within itself, contained and carried with such care, wisdom and depth.” — T.L.
“Thank you for helping me touch parts of myself needing love as a more deeply resourced being. There is truly no greater gift.” — K.T.
“I felt like you sang a melody of life into my body and it’s still hearing that song.” — O.R.
school of biodynamic healing
Transformational, Trauma-Informed Trainings & Immersions
Biodynamic Healing Arts is a holistic approach that emphasizes the integration of body, mind, and spirit through diverse therapies, focusing on healing at the deepest level.
What Students Say:
“I am so grateful for these teachings that feel so ancestral. They feel like they just live in our bones. They’re part of our lineage, our own precious nature of which we are being reminded. This is really the path of the gentle warrior of the heart.” — T.C.
“Not a day goes by where I don’t remember the practices. I feel some wonderful shifts in my nervous system that are supporting me every day. I really do feel different, like my capacity for handling stress and uncertainty has expanded to bring greater peace of mind in the midst of challenges. Thank you, thank you.” — S.N.
“I know that I’m gonna keep saying yes to this. I feel lighter in my skin. I feel like I’m just allowing myself to be present more. I’ve never lived in my body. So I feel like I’m coming home. And it’s the personal work, but if it’s also the community. It’s really important to be in community.” — A.K.

Creating sacred space through practice, ritual and craft.
About Koa —
Koa is a healing practitioner, artist and educator inspired by the beauty and resilience of the human spirit and natural world.
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