Breath of Life Course, Level I

“I keep thinking that if everyone took this class there would be peace on Earth.”

— Kimberly, Breath of Life Course Student

About the Course

In this introductory course, we will delve into the guiding principles of craniosacral biodynamics, embodied meditation, somatic movement, and attunement.

Orienting to presence, stillness, and wholeness, we will explore inner practices such as embodied felt-sense, tonal match, full body breathing, resting in invisible midline, and residing in neutral.

Following the insights of Dr. Sutherland and his successors, we will learn how to listen to primary respiration and the Breath of Life, sensing tides, fulcrums, stillpoints, subtle rhythms, states of consciousness, and more.  

This course will invite you to develop and refine your essential skills for grounding and centering in yourself, creating and maintaining safety and trust with your client, increasing potency in your touch and sensitivity in your awareness.

With dynamic stillness as the guide, we cultivate our capacity to support the body’s innate wisdom of healing in ourselves and in each other.

Hard to put into words the complete fullness, wholeness and expansiveness I experienced from taking this course. So inspired by the way Koa transmits these teachings. I am so grateful for her devotion to her students, her care and her communication. She holds the space so beautifully. Highly recommend studying with Koa!

Amanda, Breath of Life Course Student

Our Schedule

Days 1-3

10am - 1:30pm — class
1:30pm - 3pm — lunch break
3pm - 6pm — class

Day 4

10am - 1:00pm — class
1:00pm - 2:30pm — lunch break
2:30 - 4pm — closing

Closing Circle / Departure — 4pm

About the Location

Our location is situated in the foothills of the Sangro de Cristo mountains, 9 miles north of Santa Fe in the village of Tesuque.

Northern New Mexico is a stunningly beautiful place that cultivates contemplation, deep inquiry, and expansion. The land acts as a clear mirror here. Santa Fe, known to the native Tewa people as Oga Po'geh, meaning White Shell Water Place, is renowned for healing.

This is an invitation to be held by the solidity of the earth, the vastness of the sky, and the returning to one’s center, a relearning of how to rest in one's being.

Accommodations are not included in this non-residential immersion. A directory of local BnB’s can be provided upon request, and carpools can be arranged amongst participants as needed.

Course Overview

  • In this introductory course, we will delve into the guiding principles of craniosacral biodynamics, embodiment meditation, somatic movement, and attunement. No prior experience necessary.

Key Concepts

  • Orienting to Presence, Stillness, and Wholeness.

  • Embodied Practices: Engaging in embodied felt-sense, resonant contact, full body breathing, midline, neutral.

  • Listening to Life Forces: Understanding Primary Respiration and the Breath of Life. Sensing tides, fulcrums, stillpoints and subtle rhythms of the craniosacral system.

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop essential skills for grounding and centering in your being.

  • Learn to create and maintain safety and trust with self and other.

  • Enhance the potency of your touch and the sensitivity of your awareness, with anaotomical insight.

Essential Skills Cultivation

  • Through the resources of Dynamic Stillness and the Breath of Life, we cultivate our ability to support the body’s Innate Wisdom of Healing in ourselves, in each other, and in the world.

Registration and Reciprocity

These lands ancestrally belong to the pueblo people. A percentage of our funds will be offered to Tewa Women United, as well as to Gaza Relief Funds.

Registration is first come, first served. There are multiple pricing tiers to reflect income diversity and increase accessibility. If you are in a place to give, we thank you for your generosity in supporting our scholarships.


If the course needs to be cancelled or postponed by the facilitator or host, a full refund will be given. For more details on refunds please see Course Policies.

Deep gratitude for the wisdom and beauty you embody and share. This time here has been deeply nourishing as I beginning to witness healing and harmony within vessel and heart. Thank you!

Kristianna, Breath of Life Course Student

A Note for Returning Students

“Repeating” a class is never repeating.

There is always more to learn simply by being in the field, and no two classes are ever the same.

If a Level Two Course does not align with your schedule, please consider returning to Level One to continue deepening your practice and skills.

About the Facilitator

Koa carries fifteen years of extensive training in biodynamic craniosacral and osteopathic medicine, as well as a deep well of learning from earth-based medicine keepers and mystic spiritual leaders. She has worked in private practice since 2016.

In 2021, Koa launched her Breath of Life Course, a program designed and synthesized from her studies in the healing arts as well as from breaking through her own challenges as highly sensitive person who has withstood two traumatic head and brain injuries.

Koa is a gentle guide and compassionate teacher with the ability to respond to the field with wisdom teachings that are accessible and applicable. Both her private sessions and group immersions are known to be uniquely transformative, restorative, and healing.

Join us!

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