⊹ orcas island ⊹

a pilgrimage to the sacred waters within and without

LEVEL ONE — AUGUST 25-28, 2022 | LEVEL TWO — SEPTEMBER 3-6, 2022

Please Note: Level Two is offered to participants who have previously completed Level One earlier this year. Levels may not be taken back to back immediately: at least one month of integration time is required.

This is an exploration of where the unseen meets the seen.

Where body meets nature.

Where spirit meets matter.

Where practice meets presence.

Where human meets being.

This is a creative cauldron for anyone looking to deepen their embodied observation in service to transformation, transmutation and liberation.

This is a restoration and amplification of our inherent connection to the Breath of Life that informs all of nature and the Health that is never lost.


“Deep gratitude for the wisdom and beauty you embody and share. This time has been deeply nourishing as I begin to witness healing and harmony within vessel and heart. Thank you!”

— Kristianna



In this course series, we will delve into the guiding principles of craniosacral biodynamics.

With presence and wholeness as primary orientations, we will explore inner practices such as embodied felt-sense, tonal match, full body breathing, resting in invisible midline, and residing in neutral.

Following the insights of Dr. Sutherland and his successors, we will learn how to listen to primary respiration and the Breath of Life, sensing tides, fulcrums, stillpoints, subtle rhythms, states of consciousness, and more.  

This course will invite you to develop and refine your essential skills for grounding and centering in yourself, creating and maintaining safety and trust with your client, increasing potency in your touch and sensitivity in your awareness. With dynamic stillness as the guide, we can cultivate our capacity to support the body’s innate wisdom of healing in ourselves and in each other.  



We are so grateful for our hosts at the Land, a private home and emerging community wellness center. A gorgeous barn will hold our daily class and practice space. Accommodations offered are beds in the Barn Loft, Bunk House, Camping on the land, and local B&B’s.

Sitting on 50 acres, this retreat experience is an invitation to rejuvenate the soul while learning to revive the subtle senses of the body while immersed in the late summer/ early autumn glow of the San Juan Islands. Guests are encouraged to walk the grounds, explore and enjoy.

This land is sacred, and we honor the First Nation Coast Salish Peoples. A donation of the proceeds will be offered to local conservation and indigenous stewardship. Additionally, we recognize the local Orcas community, and are grateful for this invitation.




Due to ferry schedules, we suggest participants plan to arrive the day before class begins. Classes will be held for the next 4 consecutive days. Departure is suggested for the morning after the last day of class.



Out-of-town Arrivals: August 24th

August 25-28th:
8:00am — breakfast
10:00am - 1:30pm — class
1:30pm - 3:00pm — lunch break
7:00 pm — dinner

Departures: August 29th

Arrivals: September 2nd

September 3rd-6th:
8:00am — breakfast
10am - 1:30pm — class
1:30pm - 3pm — lunch break
3pm - 6pm — class
7:00 pm — dinner

Departures: September 7th

PLEASE NOTE: Level Two is offered to participants who have previously completed Level One earlier this year. Levels may not be taken back to back immediately. At least one month of integration time is required.


our host:


  • 3 Plant based, gourmet, delicious and nutritious meals.

  • 8 hours of class per day — a balance of meditation, lecture, and hands-on experiential learning.

  • Personal time for forest-walking, stargazing, pond swimming.

AccommodationS details:

Accommodations at the Land are unique, please read thoroughly:

  • Bunk House: 2 queen beds and 4 single bunk beds (two upper and two lower) in one shared space, with queen beds separated by curtains. One bathroom shared between all.

  • Camping: bring your own gear and find your spot on the land. Shared Bathroom available in Barn.

  • Local private B&B’s available.


  • Are there any pre-requisites for Level One?
    None. This workshop series is appropriate for anyone who wishes to broaden their skillset and clinical offerings, newcomers to bodywork, and those who are in search of self-healing and development.

  • Are there any pre-requisites for Level Two? Yes, Level One, an application, and at least one month of integration time.

  • Where is this retreat located?
    We are grateful to our hosts, a private home and emerging community wellness center.

  • How do I travel to Orcas Island? There are multiple steps including a ferry. Please read here.

To reserve your space, apply here. When your application is accepted, a 50% deposit is required, sent to @koakalish via Venmo. Deposits are non-refundable.
For more information and or any further inquiries, please feel free to reach out directly to