Join us for another new moon ritual, during which we will spend time with the practice of communing with plant medicine to fully integrate its uses and healing properties. For this ritual, we have allied with several plants, many of which are local, to help us cleanse in preparation for the Winter Solstice, a ritual passage of rebirth and renewal for all life here on Mother Earth.
I will share the Heart of Tea, invoking "The Great Connector" Camelia sinensis, and how rituals of sitting with tea may offer us an approach to sitting with other plants and herbs in a way that we can receive their medicine through stillness and clarity.
Marisa Manriquez of Soul Witness will be offering "huasquiadas," or "limpiezas," a practice used in the Andean Aymara tradition to cleanse the energetic body, retrieve the soul, and connect to the consciousness of the plants. She will also share various other ways to work with the plants gathered for this ritual, that can support healing, cleansing, and the re-awakening of our consciousness to the community of the natural world.
Space is limited. RSVP at