The Way is in the Heart

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the way is not the sky
the way is in the heart
- gautama buddha

In my recent craniosacral meditations I had a visionary experience where I found myself dwelling in the Field of my Heart. I traveled “inward-downward” to this place and, as if underwater, opened my eyes to see. From this place I scanned to find who also met me there, to discover who else is tending to / sensing from / abiding within the Great Heart, in Service to the Whole.

It is not always easy, or pretty in this world to abide in the Heart. There is a fire that burns and a pain that shreds. There is the unhealed brokenness and the grief of generations. There is no where to hide. And yet, there is so much wisdom - - - it is scientifically our most powerful resonance system. So - to those few I saw there, looking back at me, I recognize you, and I say thank you. For the most trusted and true Allies for me in this time are you.

#heartfield #theregenerativefield


Weaving as a Way of Life


Herdshare & Healthy Soil